
Understanding Different Learning Styles and Applying Them in Tax Accounting

April 24, 2023
Joshua Bennett
Joshua Bennett
🇺🇸 United States
Joshua Bennett, a Ph.D. graduate from Washington University in St. Louis, boasts 18 years of experience in Taxation Accounting. He specializes in international taxation and tax compliance, providing students with expert insights and guidance on complex issues in the field, ensuring they excel in their assignments.
Tip of the day
Regularly review financial statements like balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements for better comprehension.
Sacred Heart and Fairfield Universities' online programs climb in U.S. News & World Report rankings, reflecting the growing popularity of online education post-pandemic.
Key Topics
  • What are Learning Styles?
  • Visual Learning Style
  • Auditory Learning Style
  • Kinesthetic Learning Style
  • Applying Learning Styles in Tax Accounting
    • Tailor Your Study Materials to Your Learning Style
    • Practice Active Learning Techniques
  • Use Mnemonic Devices
  • Create Study Plans and Set Goals
  • Seek Out Additional Resources
  • Get Feedback and Reflect on Your Performance
  • Conclusion

See the most effective learning styles and apply them in your studies to ace your accounting coursework in tax accounting. Our seasoned accounting gurus have recommended the learning styles to help you perform better in your future tax accounting assignments.

As a tax accounting student, you should be aware of and make the best use of your preferred method of learning. Learning styles vary, and understanding your own can improve your study habits, memorization, and overall academic performance. This article will go through the various learning styles and how they can be used to your advantage in the field of tax accounting.

What are Learning Styles?

Each individual has a unique way of learning and retaining information. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning are the three most common approaches to education. People who learn best visually benefit from pictures, videos, and other visual representations of information. Verbal training and group discussions are ideal for auditory learners. Hands-on exercises and physical movement are ideal for the learning style known as kinesthetic.

Visual Learning Style

People who are visual learners find that images and diagrams are the most helpful forms of presentation. Graphs, charts, infographics, and films are the most effective means of conveying data to them. There are a variety of study methods that can help you succeed if you're a visual learner. Making mind maps, using flashcards, and watching instructional films are just a few examples. Graphs and charts are useful tools in tax accounting because they help illustrate abstract ideas.

Color coding is another effective strategy for helping visual learners. Make your notes more interesting by using color coding, highlighting, or a variety of colored markers. You'll be able to remember things more clearly and keep them in mind for longer as a result of this. Color coding is a useful study tool for tax accountants since it makes it easier to see differences between various tax rules and regulations.

Finally, providing visual aids like diagrams and flowcharts can help students who learn better this way. You'll get a better grasp of the overall picture and the interconnectedness of various tax rules and regulations. Lucidchart, Visio, and SmartDraw are just a few examples of diagramming and flowcharting software options.

Auditory Learning Style

Those who are "auditory learners" like to take in information through conversation or lectures. They'd rather tune in to podcasts, audio lectures, and podcast debates. Different strategies can help you learn better if you're an auditory learner. You can take notes aloud, record lectures, or have group discussions. Listening to podcasts on tax topics can help accountants better grasp tax law's subtleties.

Mnemonic devices are another tool that can aid the retention of information for auditory learners. Important tax rules and regulations can be memorized with the help of acronyms or rhymes. State, Local, and Property Tax are three examples of taxes that can be remembered by the abbreviation SALT. To help you recall the fundamentals of tax accounting, you can make your own mnemonic devices.

Last but not least, tax-related group discussions might be helpful for auditory learners. If you want to talk about taxes with other students, you may join a study group or visit an online forum. You'll sharpen your ability to analyze tax issues from many viewpoints thanks to this exercise.

Kinesthetic Learning Style

Those who are "kinesthetic learners" like to absorb information through bodily experiences. They are more likely to learn via doing than from reading or hearing. Different strategies can help you learn better if you're a kinesthetic learner. Physical modeling, the use of manipulatives, and computer simulations are only a few examples. To learn how various taxation scenarios could effect a company, simulations are used in tax accounting.

Kinesthetic learners can benefit from taking pauses and getting up and moving around as a means to enhance their learning. You can break up your studying with short periods of physical activity like stretching, walking, or doing other things. This will keep you interested and motivated while you study. You can take small pauses from your tax accounting studies to get some exercise and clear your head.

Finally, handwritten notes can be helpful for kinesthetic students. The memory benefits of handwritten notes far outweigh those of typed ones. Take notes by hand when learning tax accounting, either from lectures or the text. You may put those pen and paper talents to use and solidify your grasp of tax principles.

Applying Learning Styles in Tax Accounting

Now that we've covered the many ways people take in information, let's dive into how that information can be used to your advantage in tax accounting.

Tailor Your Study Materials to Your Learning Style

Adapting your study materials to your preferred method of learning is a good strategy for using your learning style in tax accounting. If you are more of a visual learner, it may help to portray tax concepts in the form of visual aids such as diagrams, graphs, and charts. Make your notes more presentable and manageable by using color coding. Videos and infographics pertaining to taxes can be found online and used as a learning resource.

If you learn best by hearing, then spend your time listening to tax accounting-related lectures, podcasts, and discussions. To better retain course material, it is recommended to record lectures and listen to them on repeat. To better understand tax principles, you can also record an audio of yourself teaching them. Get involved in study groups or group conversations where you can have in-depth verbal exchanges concerning tax issues.

If you learn best via doing, try out some tax simulations and hands-on exercises. Make models out of clay or use play dough to illustrate different tax situations. Take part in tax simulations or case studies to test your understanding of tax principles in a real-world setting. Studying is more productive if you take frequent breaks and get up and move around.

Practice Active Learning Techniques

passively, such as through reading or watching a video. Although all learners can benefit from these strategies, they are especially useful for kinesthetic students. In the field of tax accounting, some active learning strategies you might employ are:

Practice problems:

To better grasp tax principles, try your hand at these practice problems. You'll be better able to put theoretical knowledge into practice and solve problems as a result.


Pretend to be in a variety of situations to learn the impact of tax laws and regulations. This can be done on your own or in a group to practice for potential tax situations.

Teaching others:

Break down tax principles for a fellow student or close acquaintance. As a result, you'll have to put your knowledge into words and reinforce your own education.

Debates and discussions:

Debate or discuss tax-related concepts to broaden your understanding and practice critical thinking.

Use Mnemonic Devices

The use of mnemonic devices, or memory aides, can improve recall. Although they benefit all learners, they shine brightest when employed by auditory learners. Make up your own mnemonics to help you keep track of all the tax codes, rules, and due dates you'll need to know. Case in point:

The mnemonic "AIM for the Stars" (April 15th, March 15th) can be used to remember the specific order in which tax returns must be filed (April 15th for individual income tax returns, March 15th for business income tax filings, etc.).

Remembering the various tax categories can be cumbersome, but the abbreviation "FSP" (Federal, State, Property) will help you keep track of all the various taxes you may be required to pay.

Tax researchers can use the abbreviation "DRACA" (Define, Research, Analysis, Application, and Communication) to keep track of the many stages of a tax research assignment.

Create Study Plans and Set Goals

Making a study plan and establishing objectives may keep you on track, interested, and enthusiastic about your tax accounting assignment. Make a schedule for yourself that specifies when you will study, how long you will spend on each subject, and how much time you will spend studying overall. Don't overextend yourself; realistic preparation will help you take care of breaks and relaxation.

Motivating and focusing yourself can be aided by setting goals. Set SMART goals, which are attainable, relevant, specific, and time-bound. You might, for instance, set a weekly goal of reviewing a given chapter of your textbook or completing a certain number of tax-related practice problems every day. If you want to maintain positive habits and keep yourself motivated, rewarding yourself when you reach milestones is a great way to do both.

Seek Out Additional Resources

If you need help grasping tax accounting principles, look outside your textbooks and lectures. Books and articles on tax accounting are also acceptable, as are other internet resources including videos, blogs, and podcasts. Participate in tax accounting seminars and workshops by becoming a member of the AICPA or another similar professional organization.

It can also be beneficial to find a mentor or tutor with knowledge in tax accounting and work with them. They are a great resource for clarifying and expanding your understanding of tax law's more nuanced ideas.

Get Feedback and Reflect on Your Performance

Exam and assignment critiques might point out your weak spots, allowing you to focus your study efforts more effectively. Think on your actions and figure out what went right and what didn't. Make changes to your study strategy and new objectives based on this critique.

You can think about how you learn best and what methods have worked best for you. Put this knowledge to use by continuing to adapt your study methods to your own needs.


You may do better at your tax accounting assignments if you know about the different learning styles and how to apply them. You can improve your learning of tax accounting by, for example, adapting your study materials to your preferred learning style, engaging in active learning, making use of mnemonic devices, developing study plans and goals, seeking out additional resources, and reflecting on your progress.

Keep in mind that the best method of instruction for one student may not be the best method for another. Try out various approaches until you find the one that works best for you. You can learn tax accounting topics and complete your assignment successfully with time, effort, and dedication.

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